M3. Upgrades and Downgrades | Scribe

    M3. Upgrades and Downgrades

    • Shelby McKie |
    • 28 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • DaxkoDaxko

    Upgrading a Membership

    Pull up the member's information page by typing in their Last, First Name and clicking on the Member.
    On the left of the page, check to see if the members being added are listed on the account.
    If they want to add a member not already listed, click on the "Add Member" button.
    Select the age group for the new member.
    The system will alert you that you are adding this person as an inactive member, as the current package cannot include more members until it is upgraded. Proceed by clicking the "Add Member" button.
    Fill in all of the required information to add the new member.
    Be sure to click through the Member Info, Contact Info and Member Engagement tabs to fill in all required information.
    Once complete, click Save at the bottom of the page.
    Once all member units are added to the account, you may upgrade to the new membership package! Start by clicking the Edit pencil next to the YMCA branch, located under the Membership Type.
    Click on the Membership Type dropdown menu to select the new package type.
    If needed, mark the new members as "Active" by using the New Status dropdown menu next to each new add.
    Click the "Submit" button.
    Once arrive at the Membership Dues Setup page, you may review the billing method and next process date with the member. We will not charge anything to process an upgrade - the new fee will apply with the next billing cycle. The upgrade is now complete.
    Use the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page to get back to the Membership Information page.
    See that the Membership Type has updated at the top of the Membership Information page and that the new member units are Active. To take new member photos and issue scan cards, refer to M2. Entering a Facility Member.

    Take a New Member Photo (delete? covered in M2)

    For any new members, don't forget to take their photo and issue them a scan card. First, click on the Member's name.
    Click on the photo icon on the member's profile and follow the steps to use the camera and take a photo.

    Issue or Update a Member's Barcode (delete? covered in M2)