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I are sharing this file with you and others. I can not give you edit access. Download the file as a pptx format and use it to complete the task
Tip! Seriously, do not request edit access for this document. You will not be given edit access!
Download ppt for EDIT access
To download - Click "File"
Select "Download" and Click "Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)"
Save the document somewhere on your computer. (Make a note of where you saved it)
Fill table on slide 3 with blocks from slide 2
Open - Select block on slide 2
Copy using Ctrl-C or cut with Ctrl-X
Tip! If you use cut/paste, you can keep track of what you already used.
Select table
paste with Ctrl-V - and drag where it belongs
Click next square
Select table
wherever it needs to go
rinse and repeat until you filled the entire thing.
Save a Screen shot/image of the result
When all is filled - click the "prt sc" (print screen) button on your computer
Open a new document in any editor that can handle images - for example google docs (or word, or paint)
Was this Scribe helpful? Save this document for future reference.
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key