Making System Admin Changes (Admin Links) | Scribe

    Making System Admin Changes (Admin Links)

        INTRODUCTION Here we will explore the various ways the System Owner can make administrative changes/edits to their system.
        These changes can be made to the following categories: Users Agent Documents Listings Documents Lease Listing Documents Transaction Documents Other Income Documents Marketing Plans Tasks Projects (including Agent Onboarding & Termination)
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        ADMIN LINKS FOR SYSTEM CHANGES NOTE: To access the following links, you must be signed into your system as the System Admin, and cannot currently be impersonating any User.
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        System changes are made by navigating within the system utilizing the URL specific to the type of change(s) to be made after logging in as a System Admin. TIP: Some changes can also be made by clicking the gear icon in the top right section of the window.
        SYSTEM USERS To make System Changes pertinent to System Users (including Admin, Assistants, and Staff), navigate to: [](
        To return to the dashboard at any time, simply click the logo in the top-center of the screen.
        AGENT DOCUMENT CONFIGURATION Navigate to: []( document/agent
        LISTING DOCUMENT CONFIGURATION Navigate to: []( /document/listing
        RESIDENTIAL-LEASE-LISTING DOCUMENT CONFIGURATION Navigate to: []( document/residential-lease-listing
        TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS Navigate to: []( document/transaction
        OTHER INCOME DOCUMENTS Navigate to: []( document/otherincome-transaction
        MARKETING PLANS Navigate to: []( marketing-plans
        TASK TRIGGERS Navigate to: []( configuration/task-triggers
        PROJECTS Navigate to: []( configuration/projects
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        Reminder: Many of these pages can be accessed via the gear icon in the top-right section of the page.