Manage Prospects and Enroll Client: Step-by-Step Guide | Scribe
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Manage Prospects and Enroll Client: Step-by-Step Guide
Terrence Gutiérrez |
0 step |
52 seconds
Starting in the **Contacts** tab, you'll see under **Contact Stages**, you have a list of contacts and their current status. From Connect to Active to Needs Analysis. Based on their stage, this will help guide your decisions to assisting them.
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Let's take a look at our current Prospect, Betty White.
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We can see here that Betty's current stage is **Prospect: Connect**, so we know we need to reach out to her.
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Our **Next Action** menu helps track and guide you through supporting your client.
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If you haven't heard from your contact yet, you can click **I'll try again --> Continue** to resend a follow-up message.
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Under **Contact History** we can keep track of our engagements with our contact.
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Click "**Send needs assessment**" and **Continue** to send out the Needs Assessment to gather additional information from your contact.
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Click "Send needs assessment" after setting your preferences.
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You'll notice further information is being saved under **Contact History**.
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There are additional actions we can do with our Contact. We can add a reminder, add their policy directly to their profile, and mark as lost as well.
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Let's say our contact is T65 soon, but we need a reminder added to remember to reach out once she is 65. We'll select the Action and then click Continue.
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Switch to tab "(6) Manage your prospects"
We'll set the date, add a subject, and then click **Add reminder.**
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Under **Information & needs**, we can keep track of their current Medicare information. This includes pharmacies, physicians, and prescriptions.
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If we are Ready to Sell and know our contact is interested in learning more about plans, we can click **Quote and Enroll** and then **Launch SunFire** to open up SunFire, our integrated tool for quoting and enrolling plans.
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Once we have our contact's plan, we can have it added to the platform. Here is an example of our contact's plan that is **pending**.
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We see our contact is now **Prospect: Enrolled** because they are enrolled in a plan that hasn't had the effective date come yet.
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If we want additional reminders, we can click the **Next Action** box and quickly add a reminder or an enrolled policy here.
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We can see our contact is now **Client: Active** because their plan is now effective.
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If your contact is unhappy with their plan or they want to talk about additional options, you would click "Review plan options"
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