Click on "Forms" in the sidebar. You can find it under Config -> General settings.
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If you don't see this in your sidebar, you may not have the required permissions. Ask to your software administrator to give you Forms permissions.
Click on the name of the form you want to edit.
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Go to the category where you want to add new field and click on "Add fields".
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Add a new meta and field
Click on "Add new meta and field"
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Before adding a new meta, take a look through the **predefined metas.** There might already be one for the kind of information you want.
Fill in the form with the information about the meta.
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Setup the **field.**
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Click "Save"
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Adjust field size
Click on the field in the form preview.
Adjust width by dragging the slider to the left or right.
Adjust height by clicking on the up or down arrows.
Create a field from an existing meta
Click "Add fields" in the form preview, under the step/category that you want to add the field to.
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Click on "Connect new fields to existing metas" dropdown.
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Look through the existing metas and select the one that you want.
The light blue badge indicates the number of existing fields for that meta.
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After selecting all the metas you want, click on "Create fields for each selected meta".
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Create meta from predefined key
Click on "Metas" in the sidebar. You can find it under Config -> General Settings.
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key