Managed and UnManaged Block Storage in Azure | Scribe

    Managed and UnManaged Block Storage in Azure

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 23 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • AzureAzure
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    Type **Virtual Machines** in the search bar and click on the **Virtual machines** to view the Virtual Machines dashboard
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    **What is Azure Virtual Machine?** An Azure Virtual Machine is a scalable computing resource provided by Microsoft Azure, enabling users to deploy and manage virtualized instances of operating systems such as Windows or Linux in the cloud.
    On the **Virtual machines** dashboard, in the top left corner click on the **Create** dropdown button and click on the option **Azure virtual machine**
    On the **Create a Virtual Machine** wizard, click on the **Resource group** dropdown and select the resource group **storage-rg** option **Note:** If you do not have a Resource group, you can create one by clicking on the **Create new** link option
    Scroll to the **Virtual machine name** section and give Name as "**storage-unmanaged-vm-1**"
    Scroll to the **Availability options** section and select the option **No infrastructure redundancy required** from the dropdown
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    **What is No infrastructure redundancy required option?**\ \ This option sets up a virtual machine without backup infrastructure, so it's at risk of downtime if the underlying hardware fails, making it suitable for non-critical tasks or development purposes.
    Scroll to the **Image** section and click on the link **Configure VM generation**
    On the right side **Configure VM generation** wizard will open, select the option **Generation 1**
    Scroll the page and click on the **Apply** button
    Scroll to the **SSH public key Source** section, select the option **Generate new key pair** from the dropdown and give the **Key pair name** as "**my-vm-key-azure"**
    Scroll the page and click on the **Next : Disks** button
    On the **Disks** wizard, scroll to the **Advanced** section and untick the check box **Use managed disks**
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    **What are Managed Disks?**\ \ Managed Disks in Azure simplify storage management for Virtual Machines by handling provisioning, scaling, and maintenance tasks, offering reliability and security without the need for manual storage management.
    Scroll the page and click on the **Review + create** button
    Wait for the **Validation** to get passed
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    If your validation is displaying errors and hasn't passed, try troubleshooting by repeating previous steps and checking the validation again.
    After the Validation is successfully passed, scroll the page and click on the **Create** button
    **Generate new key pair** wizard will open, click on the **Download private key and create resource** button