Managing Candidates | Scribe

    Managing Candidates

    • Tyler LeClear Vachta |
    • 11 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • SmartrecruitersSmartrecruiters
    In SmartRecruiters find your job and click on the People tab.
    To review an individual candidate click on their name.
    You can review a candidate's experience and resume to determine if you would like to interview the candidate.
    To move the candidate forward in the application process click the "Move Forward" button, or the arrow next to it to choose the next stage. The Hiring Manager screening stage helps you keep track of who you have already reviewed.
    To move the candidate forward in the application process click the "Move Forward" button, or the arrow next to it to choose the next stage.
The Hiring Manager screening stage helps you keep track of who you have already reviewed.
    The Recruiter Screen stage indicates to the HR Recruiting team that you would like them to verify their qualifications and schedule an initial interview. Typically we recommend selecting up to 5 candidates for first-round interviews.
    The Recruiter Screen stage indicates to the HR Recruiting team that you would like them to verify their qualifications and schedule an initial interview. Typically we recommend selecting up to 5 candidates for first-round interviews.
    You can review other candidates by clicking on the Candidate List or using the left and right navigation arrows.
    You can review other candidates by clicking on the Candidate List or using the left and right navigation arrows.
    You can also click on the Position title to return to the full list of candidates.
    Clicking on a stage will show all the candidates currently in that hiring stage.
    If you select multiple candidates you can change their status by clicking Actions and choosing Change the status of candidates.
    If you select multiple candidates you can change their status by clicking Actions and choosing Change the status of candidates.
    In the status change window choose the desired status and click save.
    In the status change window choose the desired status and click save.
    The filters on the left-hand side of the screen allow you to control which candidates are currently visible. You can also see which filters are applied. To review all of the candidates at all stages of the hiring process simply uncheck all of the filters.
    The filters on the left-hand side of the screen allow you to control which candidates are currently visible. You can also see which filters are applied. To review all of the candidates at all stages of the hiring process simply uncheck all of the filters.