Managing Rosters on the Involvement Network | Scribe

    Managing Rosters on the Involvement Network

    • ELS |
    • 19 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • UgaUga
    Navigate to the Involvement Network at <>. Log in using your UGA MyID and password.
    Open the main menu on the left hand side of the screen by clicking the icon in the upper left hand corner.
    Find the organization that you would like to submit an event on behalf of, located under the "My Organizations" section of the menu. Click on the gear icon to open your organization's toolbox.
    From the toolbox, select "Roster."
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    If you are unable to find the organization, or if you do not have access to the appropriate tools in the toolbox, please contact your organization's primary contact. They will need to give you permission to access these tools within the organization's roster. They can use the "Roster Management" guide found on our website for further support with this step.

    Adding People to Your Roster

    To add new individuals to your roster, click the blue "Invite People" button at the top of the page.
    Type the individual's email address and click the "Add E-Mail Addresses" button.
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    To ensure the member will receive the invitation, you can confirm their email in the UGA Directory<> or have them confirm their listed “Campus Email Address” within their Involvement Network account. Roster invitations can only be sent to the MyID format of an individual's UGA email address (ex. [email protected]).
    Select the type of invitation (i.e. Member, Staff, etc.) and hit the blue “Send Invitations” button.

    Approving Memberships

    After navigating to the organization’s roster, scroll down to the “Manage Roster” section. You will see lists for current, pending, and prospective members. "Pending" members are those who have been invited to join the organization but have not yet accepted that invitation. "Prospective" members are those who discovered your organization and have indicated they would like to join.
    To notify a pending member of their invitation, check the box to the left of each individual and click “Resend Invitation.”
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    For prospective members, navigate to the “Prospective" tab and review the users who are awaiting membership approval. Click “Approve” or “Deny” to make a decision about that user's membership. You can also send any prospective member a message by selecting the checkbox to the left of their name and selecting “Send Message.”

    Ending Memberships

    After navigating to the organization’s roster, scroll down to the “Manage Roster” section of the page. Locate the member(s) you would like to remove and check the box on the far left of the members' names.
    Click “End Membership” at the top of the user list.
    A confirmation box will appear to let you know that ending this user's membership will also remove all of their positions and permissions. Click "End Membership" to confirm the deletion.

    Assigning Member Positions

    After navigating to the organization’s roster, find the member you want to assign a position to. Select the pencil icon beside the member you would like to assign a position to.