Managing User Roles & Permissions | Scribe

    Managing User Roles & Permissions

    • 17 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • GilsonGilson
    To add a user to your Gilson Company profile, begin by logging into your account on []( in the top right corner of the screen.
    From your Account Overview page, click "Manage Permissions" in the ribbon on the left side of the screen.
    In the Manage Permissions page you can Add New Roles, and Duplicate, Edit or Delete existing roles.
    The Owner role is the primary holder of the account- they have all permissions enabled and cannot be edited, duplicated or deleted by a user. If this information needs to be changed, please contact our customer support here:<>
    The default Administrator role has access to all permissions with the exception of deleting users.
    The default Analyst role has access to very select permissions, not allowing them to checkout however they are able to view order/payment data, manage addresses, make payments and view/export the price list.
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    For detail on how to edit a Role's permissions, skip to step 16.
    To Add a New Role, click on Add New Role button beneath the table of Roles
    Title the Role you are adding in the Role Name text field
    You can manage which permissions you want the new role to have by selecting the empty checkbox next to the permission item. You can deselect by clicking again.
    Sales permissions relate to purchasing products on the site, viewing orders made by the company, invoices/credit notes related to the company account and also view the account financial statement. Selecting the "Sales" box will grant access to all of these actions, however you can also select individual permissions as desired.
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    If a user is allowed the Checkout permission, but not the Pay On Account permission, they would only be able to checkout via credit card rather than by purchase order. You can also designate whether you want the user to view only their orders, invoices and credit notes or those made by all users within the company profile.
    Company Profile permissions allow you to control the Role's ability to change shipping and billing address information. Selecting Ship to Address for all users will allow the Role to select any ship to address at checkout to purchase against.
    User Management permissions allow for control over the Role's ability to manage roles and permissions and manage/delete other users. It is recommended these permissions stay very exclusive.
    Account Summary permissions allows the Role to view the account summary and make payments related to that summary.
    Catalog permissions control the Role's ability to view and export the company's price list
    When you have selected all of the desired permissions for the role, click the "Save Role" button at the bottom of the screen. After saving, you will be returned to the Manage Permissions page.
    To Edit a role, click the "Edit" button associated with the Role that you would like to edit.
    From this view, you are able to adjust the Role's permissions as desired.
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    For detail on what each permission does, return to steps 10-14