Media Content Items Currently Used in Content | Scribe

    Media Content Items Currently Used in Content

    • Michael |
    • 4 steps |
    • 27 seconds
    • QubQub
    Begin the process of deleting Media Content Items using the guidance for either Individual or Bulk deletion. In this example, we are deleting an individual file and have chosen the option to **'Delete'** from the **'Actions'** menu.
    If one or multiple files you have selected to delete are currently in use, a modal dialogue box will appear and provide information about the content the file is currently used in. \ \ You can click on the links in the Location field and these will **open in a new tab** to view in your browser.
    Review the content in the new tab. If the content is old, no longer publishing, or the file is not accurate, it should be deleted. Return to your previous tab and click on the **'Delete'** option.
    The status of the Media Content Items will update to **'Inactive'**. Inactive Media Content Items are purged every Friday afternoon as part of a system process.