Merge Duplicates via an Individual Profile | Scribe

    Merge Duplicates via an Individual Profile

    • Caitlin Lee |
    • 10 steps
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      This guide outlines the steps to manually merge a duplicate contact directly from an individual's contact record. The most common use case for merging via an individual's contact record is when searching for a contact, you identify a duplicate within the search results.
      Search for one of the contact's profiles.
      Once you're on the profile, scroll to the ACTIONS section on the right side. Click MERGE DUPLICATE.
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      If viewing the contact record from the Contact Record View, click the three dots located beneath the contact's name, then click MERGE from the dropdown menu.
      The system will bring up possible duplicates. Select one to merge with the profile listed at the top of the results.
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      Merging duplicates ensures all data from BOTH profiles ends up on the final profile. The one exception to this is when a field can ONLY accept one answer. Watch out for the orange warning sign. These indicate that the section includes a field where there are are more than one answers, and one must be chosen.
      Start by looking at the lefthand menu. This divides a profile's data up into sections. The sections that have a yellow warning sign are the sections that need attention.
      The DATE ACQUIRED field on the CONTACT INFORMATION section will always require review because each profile has a date and time associated with the contact.
      ORIGIN SOURCE CODE will also always require review. Choose the code that's under the earliest answer to DATE ACQUIRED unless the answer is NONE. In that case, choose the other option if it has a code applied.
      The profile that is marked as PRIMARY will be the profile that continues on after the two profiles are merged. The ONLY thing the PRIMARY profile impacts is which VANID lives on. Most of the time it won't matter which profile is marked as PRIMARY, so no need to spend time here.
      Once you're done reviewing the profiles, click MERGE.
      Click CONFIRM.