Message Hub - Document View -> Exception | Scribe

    Message Hub - Document View -> Exception

    • Spice Admin |
    • 9 steps |
    • 21 seconds
    • SpiceinsightSpiceinsight
    To login to Portal navigate to [](
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! Portal link and User Credentials will be provided to you at the time of registration.
    Enter Login Credentials, click on "**LOGIN**" button to access the Spice Portal. You will be redirected to dashboard page.
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    Alert! As we logged in as **Buyer** below **Message Hub** Scenario is explained from Buyer's Perspective.
    Select **Message Hub** from the navigation menu.
    In the **Message Hub** Screen, Buyer will see 3 Tabs - Inbox - All the documents created/sent by Vendors. - Outbox - All the orders submitted by Buyer to the Vendors. - Exceptions - Documents failed during processing.


    Exceptions are the documents that failed due to data syntax or mapping errors. To view them, click on **EXCEPTIONS** tab.
    Click **View Details** to view the details of the document.
    A small pop in window will open with the details of the failed document.
    User can access the information on the Original file by clicking on "**RAW VIEW**" button.
    User can access the information on the Original file  by clicking on "**RAW VIEW**" button.
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! If a user is already setup to receive a Error Email Notification to will automatically received an Email for the Failed Document.
    User can use **Email** option to send an email alert to the registered email address.