Miradore | Enrollment - Mac
This user Guide for Mac Workstations was made to assist you enrolling your device into our remote fleet management solution. It means the IT administrators will be able to assist you, deploy applications and enforce security policies remotely. Also, it will be possible to block or wipe your device remotely in case of loss or theft.
Stéphanie Sawaya
8 steps
16 seconds
Miradore email
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You have received an email from Miradore (
[email protected]
Click "Enroll now"
Enrollment (1/4)
You are redirected to a page in your browser accompanied by an automatic download of the file necessary for enrollment
Enrollment (2/4)
Click on the Apple icon at the top left of your screen then on "System Preferences"
When the System Preferences menu appears, click on the icon corresponding to “Profiles"
Enrollment (3/4)
Once in the Profiles menu click on the “Install...” button
When the window appears asking you if you want to install the profile, click on the “Install” button
Enrollment (4/4)
A menu appears with the name of your Mac user account, you just need to enter your personal password and click on the “Register” button
The appearance of this message confirms that your Mac has successfully enrolled
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Your workstation is now registered and secured in the remote fleet management solution!