Mobile: How to pick products for an order | Scribe

    Mobile: How to pick products for an order

    • 9 steps
    • LeanafywmsLeanafywms
    Go to <> and log in if necessary!
    information ordinal icon
    or you can use the Leanafy PWA if you have that installed on your mobile device.
    Click on this icon to go into outbound menu.
    Click on "Picking"
    Select assigned or unassigned orders
    information ordinal icon
    The order for which the picklist has been generated and then that picklist is assigned to a user will be shown in assigned orders and the orders for which the picklist has been generated but that picklist hasn't been assigned to any user will be shown in unassigned orders.
    Select the order for which you want to pick the product(s).
    Select the product in the order to pick it.
    Scan the product location QR code for the confirmation and click on "right arrow" button to proceed.
    information ordinal icon
    If you have multiple items in the order repeat the step 6 & 7.
    Update the quantity and click on "Pick Product"
    Once all items of an order are picked then the order will be automatically marked as picked!