Module 2 - Backup and Restore Appliance Data | Scribe

    Module 2 - Backup and Restore Appliance Data

        Lesson 1 - Backup Appliance Data

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        Backup is a built-in method of backing up OpenManage Enterprise's entire appliance configuration and data, including managed devices information, custom groups and jobs such as discovery task details, alert policies, plugin data and logs. The migrate feature is only used moving from version 3.10.x to 4.0.x & in not covered in these labs.
        Backup administrator rights are required to execute backup / restore tasks. Click **"Backup / Restore"**.
        Click **"Backup"**.
        The backup task can use a HTTPS or CIFS or NFS location as storage from the backup target. Select **"HTTPS"** from dropdown menu.
        Complete the other fields that relate to the backup location. Notic the Test button , this test needs to be completed successful in a live environment before backup can be completed, in this lesson skip this button. A mandatory Passphrase is required, this is a security measure & during a restore administrators must have this passphrase to restore data. The passphrase must follow the strength rules, see **I** for more information of rules. Enter **P@ssw0rd** in the Backup File Encryption "**Passphrase".**
        Select **Run On Schedule** in the **"Schedule"** dropdown menu.
        Select **Weekly** in the dropdown menu. Select the **"Mon"**.
        An example of the next step is below, showing available backups ready to be selected for restoring.
        Congratulations ! You have reached the end of this lesson.

        Lesson 2 - Restore Appliance Data

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        In the unfortunate event of a deletion, corruption of system failure, the restore capabilities of OpenManage Enterprise are easy. If required, data can be restored to the existing or a new instance of OpenManage Enterprise running the same version, using the same or larger size virtual appliance.
        Backup administrator rights are required to execute backup / restore tasks. Click **"Backup / Restore"**.
        Click **"Restore"**.
        Enter share details & password (passphrase) from backup. As there is no file share in the lab environment we can not use the **Test** so therefore cannot run restore .
        Congratulations ! You have reached the end of this lesson.