Module 2 - NetWorker Automated Recovery | Scribe

    Module 2 - NetWorker Automated Recovery

        Vault NetWorker Recovery

        information ordinal icon
        In this lesson you will recover from a known good copy (which was analyzed by CyberSense and found that the copy is likely not infected) to a vault NetWorker server
        Login to a new Vault NetWorker deployment with the same hostname as the production NetWorker (nve.demo.local) and make sure you don't see any devices and Save Sets. Open the Google Chrome browser from the Desktop shortcut and open **NetWorker-Vault** from bookmarks bar. If you see Chrome Security Warning, click **Advanced** and then click "**Proceed to nve.demo.local**"
        Login to the Vault NW UI using the following credentials: **Username:** administrator \ **Password:** Password123!


        Navigate to **Devices and Media --> Devices** page to make sure there are no listed devices

        Storage Nodes

        Navigate to **Devices and Media --> Storage Nodes** page to confirm that Storage Node is visible. If it's visible, proceed to the next step, otherwise add the Storage node
        To add a Storage Node enter the Storage Node name as **nve.demo.local** and Click **Finish**


        Navigate to **Protection --> Clients** page. There are no clients except the NetWorker Server itself

        Change the server state to Disaster Recovery

        In order to be able to recover to the vault NetWorker server, it needs to be in **Disaster Recovery** state. Click on **Server Properties** under the **Server** menu.
        Change the Server State to **Disaster Recovery** and click Save

        Production NetWorker

        The production NetWorker is writing to **/data/col1/NW-FS** MTree on the production DD **ddveprod.demo.local** and it has one device folder where both the NetWorker server bootstrap and the client1.demo.local (/temp directory) backups are written. **NW-FS** is used for **NetWorker server bootstrap and client1.demo.local (/temp)** backups. We already replicated the NetWorker Data from Production to Vault DD and ran Secure Copy operation in the previous module. After that, we analyzed the copy using CyberSense and the new copy was INFECTED. We will use the previous GOOD Copy to recover data using the Vault Networker Application.

        Configure Vault NetWorker

        Login to Cyber Recovery using the following credentials: **Username:** cradmin\ **Password:** Password123!
        Before we can start the recovery process, we need to add the Vault Networker Application (deployed with same hostname as the Production NetWorker) in CR UI under the **Assets --> Applications** page
        Click ADD to add the following information: **Nickname :** VaultNW \ **FQDN or IP Address:** nve.demo.local \ **Application Type:** NetWorker Click **Next**