Module 6 - PPDM end to end workflow | Scribe

    Module 6 - PPDM end to end workflow

        NetWorker end to end workflow

        information ordinal icon
        This lesson will allow you to practice Cyber Recovery and CyberSense with PPDM file-system backups. It covers everything from protecting files, replicating them to the vault and analyzing them with CyberSense, and then simulating a malware attack, analysis of the attacked data and gathering information about the attack using the CyberSense UI.
        In this module you will run PPDM end-to-end workflow which includes: \-Run a fresh backup of **client.demo.local (/data)** using production PPDM \-Create a Cyber Recovery Policy \-Secure Copy Analyze the data using Cyber Recovery and CyberSense \-Run []( script to infect the data in the **/data** directory on **client.demo.local** \-Run another backup of the infected data on **client.demo.local (/data)** using production PPDM \-Secure Copy Analyze the data using Cyber Recovery and CyberSense

        Recovery Sandbox cleaning from previous module

        In case this lab session was used for the PPDM Automated Recovery module, you need to delete the existing **PPDM Recovery Sandbox** first:
        In the Cyber Recovery UI, navigate to **Recovery --> Recovery Sandboxes**, select the PPDM sandbox and click **Cleanup**

        Files to protect and the infection script

        Login to the production client **client.demo.local** using RoyalTS SSH application. The **** script copies PDF files to **/data** and then simulates a malware attack on these files. To run the script type **./**
        There are 3 options to infect the data: 1. Attack Profile 1 - Strong Encryption w/No Filename/Extension Change 2. Attack Profile 4 - Strong Encryption w/Known Ransomware Extension 3. Attack Profile 6 - Strong Encryption w/Obfuscated File Extension
        Select the infection type. Use arrow keys and select the infection using spacebar on the keyboard: RYUK - Attack Profile 4\ Maze - Attack Profile 6\ REvil - Attack Profile 6\ DMALocker - Attack Profile 1
        Hit Enter after selecting the Infection Type. In this case, we selected **DMALocker** which is **Attack Profile 1 (Strong Encryption with same file name and extension)** Good data will be copied from /root/pdf to **/data** directory. Hit Enter
        The Good data is now copied to **/data**. You will run the following operations: \ \ -Run a new backup of client.demo.local using production PPDM\ -Secure Copy Analyze the data using Cyber Recovery when the backup is completed

        Create a backup

        Login to the PPDM-Prod UI using the following credentials: **Username:** admin \ **Password:** Password123!
        Navigate to **Protection --> Protection Policies** to review the **Linux-FS** Policy configured for filesystem **client client.demo.local** and start the on-demand backup by clicking **Protect Now**. Proceed with the default options and click **Next** on all the screens, followed by **Protect Now**
        Wait until the **Protection Job** completes successfully.

        Create a PPDM DR backup

        Create a PPDM DR backup which is also required to be synced along with client backups using Cyber Recovery. Navigate to **System Settings --> Disaster Recovery**
        Navigate to **Manage Backups** and click **Backup Now**