Moodle Quiz Question Creation: Multiple Choice | Scribe

    Moodle Quiz Question Creation: Multiple Choice

    • EdTech Support |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
    Click the "More" dropdown and select the "Question bank" option.\ The question bank is where all the questions created inside the course is managed.
    Click "Create a new question ..."
    Scroll through the list and select the question type you would like to add. For this scenario, we will be adding a "Multiple choice" question.
    Once you have made your selection, click "Add".
    If you would like to create questions in a custom category, select it from the "Category" dropdown. Otherwise, use the course default category.\ \ Fill the "Question name" and "Question text" fields with your content.
    Apply any additional display settings as required. For this scenario, we will be allowing multiple answers, as our demo question has two correct answers.
    Scroll down and provide the name of the first choice. This is what students will see as one of the potential answers.
    Select the grade you would like to attach to this choice. For this example, students will have to select two correct answers to attain a grade of 100% for this question. Therefore, we will set the grade to 50%.
    Optionally, provide a feedback prompt for the choice.
    Please note, for questions that have multiple correct answers, **you will need to select a negative percentage** for each incorrect choice from the "Grade" dropdown menu. If incorrect choices have 0% grades, students will be able to select all answers and will receive full marks for the question as they have not been penalised for having the incorrect answers checked. In this instance, we have two incorrect answers, which we will set to -50% each. Therefore, if all four answers are ticked, the student will receive a mark of 0 for this question. Students who chose two incorrect answers will receive a final mark of 0 for the question. They will not receive a negative mark for the question in their final quiz mark.\ \ While calculation is recommended to keep the marks consistent, it is up to the course convenor to determine the grade percentages for correct/incorrect answers.
    Repeat steps 7-10 for all required choices.
    The "Combined feedback" section provides optional settings for leaving additional feedback.
    The "Multiple tries" section allows you to set penalties and hints for each incorrect try (if students are permitted to submit multiple tries).
    Once all required options have been set, scroll down and click "Save changes".
    The newly created question will be displayed in the question bank. Also, you are able to edit question name by clicking the pencil icon next to the name.
    Note: the "Edit" button can be used to manage questions once they have been saved. From here we can: edit the question itself, duplicate the question, preview the question, delete the question, etc.
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