Moving a lead through stages | Scribe

    Moving a lead through stages

    • Siddharth Iyer |
    • 11 steps |
    • 2 minutes
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    You can mark a lead into any one of 6 stages. Here's what each of them means. Open - You just know the contact details, haven't planned to reach out yet. Assigned - You assign the lead to yourself or one of your producers (not needed if you're working alone) Working - The prospect has been called and is in touch. Suspend - Not buying insurance now, need to reach out at renewal. Unqualified Lost - Never buying insurance. Converted - Confirmed interest in buying insurance.
    Select the stage you want to change to.
    Click "Mark as Current Status"
    To suspend a lead, you'll need some additional details such as 'Suspend Until Date', 'Reason Description' and 'Expiration Date'. You can add/edit these details by clicking on the pencil icon
    Once you fill these details just click on 'Save'
    Marking a lead as Unqualified - Lost requires you to enter a reason.
    Select the appropriate reason and click on 'Save'
    To Convert a lead, Select 'Converted' and then Click "Select Converted Status"
    Click the drop-down and select 'Quoting / Submission' as Status
    The lead will then be converted to an account and an opportunity. To add a quote to the opportunity or submit any docs, click on the opportunity name.