Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Process | Scribe

    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Process

    • Debbie Gibbons |
    • 19 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • CadetportfolioCadetportfolio
    To fulfill the G6-required security measures, we have been tasked to implement the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Process for all users (Instructors and Cadets). Please read the step-by-step guide below to understand this feature.
    There are two methods to authenticate cadets' accounts. ***The method chosen will depend on your school and district policies regarding the use of cell phones and emails.*** 1. The "Verification Code" method using the cell phone or email will validate the account for 90 days. **This is the preferred method.** 2. The "Class Code" method is generated by the instructor daily. The Class Code verifies the cadet for 2-hour blocks up to 24 hours. Once the 2-hour block expires, the cadet will need to enter the Class Code and validate again. This is a backup method and used only if the "Verification Code" method can not be used.
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    **Tip! Depending on the cadets' access to cell phones and emails, some cadets in your class will use the Verification Code method, while others will use the Class Code method during the same period. However, a cadet will only use ONE of these methods at a time, not both.** **The goal is to verify the cadets and proceed with class instruction. If the cell phone or email method is not working, use the Class Code method and revisit the Verification Code method later.** **You can also contact the help desk at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or call 866-405-7682 and we can offer suggestions on the best way to verify your cadets based on the restrictions in your classroom.**
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    For the Trouble Shooting Guide, [CLICK HERE](
    **VERIFICATION CODE METHOD (CADET VALIDATED FOR 90 DAYS)**\ Click the drop-down menu and choose which option to receive the Verification Code, cell phone or email. \ **NOTE:** To jump to the **CLASS CODE METHOD** [\[CLICK HERE\]](
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    Tip! **To fully use the Verification Code Method the following items must be true:** - The instructor or cadet has added a cell phone number (including the leading country code) to their account and can receive text messages to the number provided. - You must be able to access the email address you have attached to your account.
    Select the option from the drop-down menu.
    Click the blue Send Code button.
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    **If the cadet gets the error, “The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request” this generally means there is no phone number in the cadet's profile.** - From the instructor account, verify that there is a cell phone number in the cadet’s profile. If not, the instructor can add one by clicking on the cadet’s view box on his roster. ***Once updated, the cadet will need to close out of all tabs, open a new browser, and log back in.*** - Select the email option.
    Go to your text stream or email based on the option you chose to retrieve the Verification Code.
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    Tip! - If you do not see the Verification Code in your email, look in your spam or junk folder. - If it is evident that the school email is blocked by the school IT policy, you can contact the school IT representative and ask them to whitelist this email address **[email protected].** This will greatly increase the success of the MFA process with the email option.
    **Manually** input the Verification Code in the Verification Code text field.
    Click the green **"Verify"** button after entering the Verification Code. 1. **DO NOT HIT THE ENTER KEY.** This will throw an error. 2. Allow up to 60 seconds for verification.
    After reading the Title IX splash page directed by Cadet Command, the cadet will click on the "I Understand" button and land on their dashboard.
    **CLASS CODE METHOD (Validate Daily)--The Class Code is an alternate verification method created for schools and districts that prohibit the use of cell phones or block the receipt of external emails.** 1. The Class Code is generated daily by the instructor and given to the cadets. ***We recommend writing it on the board for the day. The code is good for 24 hours and is used for all his/her class periods for that day.*** 2. The Class Code verifies the cadet for 2-hour blocks up to 24 hours. Once the 2-hour block expires, the cadet must enter the Class Code and validate again. 3. The Class Code is roster-specific. This means the cadet has to be on the roster of the instructor generating the Class Code.
    Navigate to the Instructor Cadet Roster page to generate the Class Code.
    Click the "CADETS" tab in the navigation bar.
    Click "CADETS" in the drop-down menu.
    Click the gold button "Generate Code"
    Write the generated Class Code on the board for the Cadets.