Mutual of Omaha: Certifications | Scribe

    Mutual of Omaha: Certifications

    • Byron Edwards |
    • 6 steps |
    • 29 seconds
    • MutualofomahaMutualofomaha
    • LitmosLitmos
    • AhipmedicaretrainingAhipmedicaretraining
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    Note: The contracting portion is the form you completed.
    Navigate to Mutual of Omaha and sign in: [](
    Scroll down and Click "AHIP Training". You will have to transmit your certifications to the carrier.
    Log into AHIP.
    Select "Continue" and transmit your documents.
    Go back to the Mutual of Omaha website. Click "Compliance & Product Training". You will need to complete the Product Training. Medicare Compliance Training is optional.
    You will see courses in the "All" tabs. Make sure you complete the product training course. You will see it in the "Completed" tab once complete.
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    That's it! Wait for a ready-to-sell email from Mutual of Omaha.