My Inbox - Adding A Substitute To Approve Workflows | Scribe

    My Inbox - Adding A Substitute To Approve Workflows

    • Gwen Hall-DiFabio |
    • 11 steps |
    • 2 minutes
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      Keep in mind the following when working with substitutes: - Substitute approvers will have access to all workflow approvals available in My Inbox - requisitions, iForms, JVs, etc. Approvers cannot designate substitutes by workflow type. - Substitutes will receive an email notification that a workflow is available for approval. - If you work in both My Inbox and the Universal Worklist (UWL) for approvals, validate substitutes are set in both as setting a substitute in one will set for both. This ensures there are no gaps that hinder transaction approval. - As a reminder, SAP Electronic Requisitions can only be approved in My Inbox, and Buy@Duke carts can only be approved in the UWL or the Fiori App created specifically for Buy@Duke. See this [quick reference ]( creating substitutes in the UWL which includes information for clearing errors that may appear if substitutes are set in My Inbox and accessed in the UWL. - Notify the person beforehand that you will be setting them as a substitute for approvals in your absence. Choose approval substitutes in partnership with your manager and business unit guidance. - You maintain your approval access when someone is acting as a substitute.
      With **My Box** open, select **Your Profile** in the upper right corner.
      In the **My Profile** drop-down window, select **Manage My Substitutes.**
      In the lower right corners of the screen, select **Add New Substitute.**
      In the **Substitute** pop-up box, enter the employee's name who will have delegated approval responsibility. Select **Search.**
      When the search returns, click on the person's name.
      Select **All Task Groups** to forward approval tasks. **Please note:** Do not use Professional, Disciplinary, or All.
      Select the **Start and End Date** of the **Substitution Period** using the calendar. Select **Save** once you enter the appropriate dates.
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      While you can select the year to set a long substitution period, consider working with finance staff that support your area or Company Code to update workflow rules if someone needs to be your substitute for a period beyond a typical leave period.
      The **Manage Substitute** screen displays the person and date range who will also have approval access to your workflow approvals.
      Repeat these steps to add a second substitute.
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      To prevent workflows from being "stuck" during unplanned absences and to allow the most flexibility during emergencies, it is best practice to have two people with access to any workflow approval.
      The system will automatically discontinue substitute access at the end of the **Substitution Period**. To end it sooner, select **Delete.**
      Confirm the deletion to remove the substitute.