Keep in mind the following when working with substitutes:
- Substitute approvers will have access to all workflow approvals available in My Inbox - requisitions, iForms, JVs, etc. Approvers cannot designate substitutes by workflow type.
- Substitutes will receive an email notification that a workflow is available for approval.
- If you work in both My Inbox and the Universal Worklist (UWL) for approvals, validate substitutes are set in both as setting a substitute in one will set for both. This ensures there are no gaps that hinder transaction approval.
- As a reminder, SAP Electronic Requisitions can only be approved in My Inbox, and Buy@Duke carts can only be approved in the UWL or the Fiori App created specifically for Buy@Duke. See this [quick reference ]( creating substitutes in the UWL which includes information for clearing errors that may appear if substitutes are set in My Inbox and accessed in the UWL.
- Notify the person beforehand that you will be setting them as a substitute for approvals in your absence. Choose approval substitutes in partnership with your manager and business unit guidance.
- You maintain your approval access when someone is acting as a substitute.