My Listing Settings via App (Android) | Scribe

    My Listing Settings via App (Android)

        Start by tapping the 'my listings' home tile.
        You will see your listings here. You can also search if your list is extensive.
        Tap here to review your grant access options.
        You can also view your appointment settings by tapping the down arrow here.
        You will see all of the same options on app as you have on web. Let's tap into the appointment type.
        You will see the full list of available types here. Select your option and hit save.
        You can also toggle on/off the auto-confirm option here and set your auto-confirm time period.
        This is your list of existing auto-confirm rules. Hit the plus symbol to add a new one.
        Put in your requirements and hit save.
        You can also allow overlapping appointments and suspend showings from this screen. We will look at the options for when your listing goes pending.
        These are the same options as on web. You can tell the system to take a specific action when your listing goes pending. Make sure to hit save.
        Now let's go into Appointment Restrictions.
        You can work with the maximum showing length here. Make your selection and hit save.
        You can also put in your advanced notice settings here.
        Select 1-24 hours and tap save.
        Finally, you can set your appointment restrictions here.
        Tap the plus symbol to add a new restriction rule.
        Put in your restriction time frame and tap save.
        You will see the new rule here.
        Next, we will look at showing instructions. These sections are easy to edit and offer functionality like the web does.
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