Navigating Referral Pipeline | Scribe

    Navigating Referral Pipeline

    • Tiffany Jin |
    • 5 steps |
    • 15 seconds
    Navigate to the "Referrals" icon
    Your Referral Pipeline details will be visible from here. To export an excel file of details, you can "Export" under the "Actions" button. Best use case if of this is sharing referral pipeline details with your recruitment team!
    Referral Pipeline details will be present and filterable by dates and status.
    Once a referral is moved in the ATS to a "Hired" stage, they will populate in the "Hires" tab.
    If both employee and candidate are active employees, you will see 2 green checkmarks next to the name. Should either employee or candidate be terminated, a red checkmark will appear next to the terminated employee and future payouts will be automatically voided.