Navigating Salesforce Trailhead for Admin Beginner Course Guide | Scribe

    Navigating Salesforce Trailhead for Admin Beginner Course Guide

    • Katherine Tran |
    • 8 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • SalesforceSalesforce
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    Tip! Please note that purchasing any tools, materials, or external courses is *not required* to complete the pre-work labs. All necessary resources will be provided as part of the course. You should not spend any money on additional courses, software, or tools for this pre-work. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out for assistance before making any purchases.

    Creating a Salesforce Trailblazer Account

    Navigate to [](
    After you navigate to []( **Sign Up** located in the top right corner to create a Trailblazer Account. This account will be used for the completion of pre-work and for assignments and assessments throughout the Salesforce Administrator course.
    Select how you want to create an account. You can sign up using an existing account, including a Google Workspace. The other option is to enter an email you wish to use for your account. Once you enter the email, you will fill out a form to create a unique Trailblazer Account.
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    Tip! When filling out the fields in the form to create a Trailblazer Account, consider the following: - Utilize an email address you check frequently for updates and communications. Ideally, it is the same email address you provided when applying for the course. - Use your **Legal Name** as your Trailblazer profile can be shared with potential employers and partners. - Leave "Company Name" blank or enter Student. - For "Role name", select Administrator or Student. - For "Relationship to Salesforce", select Non-Customer/Prospect.

    Navigate to Admin Beginner Trail (Assigned Pre-work)

    After you have created your Trailblazer Account, login. You will be taken to your Trailblazer Dashboard. Navigate to the **Search Bar** in the top right corner.
    Type **Admin Beginner** in the Search Bar and enter.
    Select the **Admin Beginner Trail** from the search results.
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    Tip! An alternative to searching for the Admin Beginner Trail is to follow this link: [[\[]]
    Complete all the Modules within the Admin Beginner Trail. There is a total of 6 modules.

    Completion and Submission

    After completing all of the Modules, you will receive a green check mark indicating that all have been completed. A green check mark will appear on the Admin Beginner Trail icon. When completed, take a screenshot of this entire page and submit it in the pre-work submission portal.