Navigating Your MY ACCOUNT DASHBOARD | Scribe

    Navigating Your MY ACCOUNT DASHBOARD

    • Alanna Hildebrand |
    • 21 steps |
    • 4 minutes
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      Alert! The My Account Dashboard is only available to account Super Users and Authorized Purchase Agents. If you do not see an option to view the Account Dashboard and feel that you should have that permission, please contact the appropriate person at your company or email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
      Click the 'MY ACCOUNT' dropdown menu (You must be signed in to your account).
      Select My Account Dashboard
      You will see your Account Dashboard main page.


      This is a quick overview of your account, including your balances and orders that are open and/or need approval.
      Current Balance includes all current money owed as well as any future balances that will be due. The Past Due Balance shows any amount that had not been paid by the due date. The Total balance will show any amount that has a current due date and any past due balance.
      Current Balance includes all current money owed as well as any future balances that will be due. The Past Due Balance shows any amount that had not been paid by the due date. The Total balance will show any amount that has a current due date and any past due balance.
      If you are a member of the APR Awards program your dashboard will display your total points accumulated along with your year to date qualifying sales and the amount of points that will be expiring.
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      Tip! For more information on the APR Awards program, please see the [Enrolling in the APR Awards Program](
      You will also see if there are any orders placed by General Users that require approval from an Authorized Technician. These orders awaiting approval are also listed below the "Pending Approval" section. with more details.
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      Tip! For more information about users and their permission levels, please see the [Managing Users]( guide!
      If there are orders waiting to be approved, you can click "View Details" to see an itemized list of what the order contains.
      In the details you can see who submitted the order and when, the P.O. number (if provided) and each item and quantity that the user needs. You can also edit, reject and approve an order right from this screen!
      In the details you can see who submitted the order and when, the P.O. number (if provided) and each item and quantity that the user needs. You can also edit, reject and approve an order right from this screen!
      In this section there is also an option to Pay Online. If you click to pay online you will be taken to BillTrust. For more information on how to pay your balances online, see the help section on BillTrust.
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      Alert! The Pay Online option is not available to all users and it is based on permission levels. If you think you should be able to access this, please contact the appropriate person at your company or email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
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      Tip! For more information on BillTrust and paying online, please see the [BillTrust Navigation]( guide.


      Open orders will detail all open/unpaid orders. Clicking this will allow you to see order numbers, PO numbers, order date, order total and give you the option to reorder, view the order or print!
      Open orders will detail all open/unpaid orders. Clicking this will allow you to see order numbers, PO numbers, order date, order total and give you the option to reorder, view the order or print!
      By clicking "Order History" you can view all closed/paid invoices. In the Order History screen you can see order numbers, P.O. numbers, ship date, order total and give you the option to reorder, view the order or print! You can also filter your orders by date or search by a specific P.O. number!
      By clicking "Order History" you can view all closed/paid invoices. In the Order History screen you can see order numbers, P.O. numbers, ship date, order total and give you the option to reorder, view the order or print! You can also filter your orders by date or search by a specific P.O. number!
      "My Pending Order Approvals" will take you to a list of orders that need approval prior to being submitted and you can do the same actions as explained in [step 8](
      "My Pending Order Approvals" will take you to a list of orders that need approval prior to being submitted and you can do the same actions as explained in [step 8](