Navigating the Patient Portal | Scribe

    Navigating the Patient Portal

    • 34 steps
    • MedicatconnectMedicatconnect
    This guide will demonstrate how to use the Patient Portal to complete required forms, downloading other forms, entering immunization history for students, and uploading documents.
    Welcome to the Hill School Patient Portal. Parents will use this secure portal to submit their student's Health Forms. The Patient Portal has been updated to now show the navigation menu along the left-hand side of the screen. You can also access the **Forms**, **Immunizations**, and **Upload** screens under **Requirements for All Students** in the middle of the page.
    information ordinal icon
    Tip: A red dot next to **Immunizations** indicates that there are outstanding requirements.
    You'll be able to easily upload specific documents that are required from the Welcome screen as shown below.
    Clinic **Locations and Hours** can be accessed in the top right-hand corner.
    Let's head to the **Forms** page.
    Forms are separated into sections to help you easily find what needs to be filled out. Incoming students are required to complete a number of forms online. **Required Forms** will always have a red asterisk next to the title. You can also easily distinguish which forms have already been completed and when they were submitted. You have the option to **View** previously submitted forms if needed.
    To fill out a form, click on the blue form title.
    Each form will have context and instructions to help you fill it out. Review and fill out the form. At the bottom of each form, you will find a **Submit** button.
    When the **Submit** button is clicked, you will receive this message confirming successful completion. Click **OK** to close.
    We can now see the form we just submitted notated as completed with the current date. Make sure to complete each of the required forms.
    As you scroll further down the Forms page, you will find a section for forms that need to be printed, filled out, and then uploaded back into the Patient Portal for provider signature. When you click on a form in this section, it will open in a new browser tab.
    Here is the form we just opened. You will need to print the form to fill it out.
    Once you have filled out and a provider has signed the form, you will head to the **Uploads** tab to submit it.
    The **Uploads** section is used for uploading forms that you printed and filled out, as well as Immunizations documentation. There are comprehensive instructions on this page, as shown below. Pay particular attention to the instructions for uploading scanned documents and how to name your files.
    On the Uploads page beneath the instructions, there is an Upload Documents section. You will choose a category to upload your document into depending on what the document is.
    We printed and filled out the **Physical Exam Form 2024-2025**, so we'll click **Select File** for this option.
    Select your file via the File Explorer that opens after clicking **Select File**.
    Scroll down and click **Upload**.
    A pop-up box will confirm your file has been uploaded. Click **Close** to exit the pop-up.