Login to your Nurole account to start[onboarding](https://app.nurole.com/onboarding/personal-details)
Personal Details
Give us a few basic details about yourself to start building your profile
Select your gender from the drop down list
Choose your location. We'll use this to notify you about relevant local roles
Select your preferences for other services
Click "Next" once you've finished filling in your details to progress
Add your CV
Click the green "Upload your CV" button
Your professional experience will be imported from your CV automatically
Click "Next" to review the imported professional experience
Professional Experience
Review the roles uploaded from your CV and click "Edit" if you need to make any changes to a role
Click "Add a role" button if you need to add a new role to your profile that wasn't imported from your CV
In the pop up, you can tell us about the specifics of the role. Search for the company and select it from the drop down list if it's available in our database.
Click "None of these" if your organisation is missing from the list.
Click "Add Organisation" if you'd like to add this new company to the database.
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