OFB Monthly Statistics Reporting Instructions | Scribe

    OFB Monthly Statistics Reporting Instructions

    • 11 steps
      Reports are entered in the same web portal you use to order food (Primarius Web Window). You can access the PWW portal by going to the OFB partner agency website [https://ofbportals.oregonfoodbank.org/](https://ofbportals.oregonfoodbank.org/) and clicking on the Order Online button *or* by going directly to [https://ofb.primarius.app/PWW/Home/Login/](https://ofb.primarius.app/PWW/Home/Login/)
      Log in using the credentials created for you by OFB. Everyone from your organization will use the same login information. If you don’t know your login information, contact OFB at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for support.
      Once logged in, go to the tab that says Statistics.
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      If you are using a phone or mobile device, the layout will look different. Click on the 3 white lines in the upper right-hand corner, then select "Statistics" from the dropdown menu.
      To enter a new report, click on the +Add New Agency Statistics button. This will lead you to your reporting form.
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      Note: This screen will indicate which report type you’ve been assigned. This is dependent on the type of food assistance program(s) you operate.
      Select the appropriate month for the report you are submitting, then click Save.
      IMPORTANT: To make sure you can see all lines on your report and do not leave out any key data, you must change the 'Show Rows' setting to 50.
      Enter your statistics data in the Value column.
      For categories that require additional information (for example, Local Food Industry Donations), enter it in the Comment column.
      There is NO Submit button. Instead, all data is auto-saved after it’s entered. You will see a green banner at the top of your report that says ‘the record was saved successfully’. You can exit the screen after all data has been entered.
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      Tip: To verify that a report has been submitted, you can return to the Agency Statistics homepage. Your most recently submitted report should be at the top of the list.
      To edit a report, go to the Agency Statistics homepage, then click the Edit button.
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      Tip: You can edit your report until midnight on the day you originally submitted it. If you need to make a correction after that point, please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
      Once the editing period has passed, this button will say View.
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      Make sure you are on the Active setting to view any current or past reports. Selecting the inactive tab will show you any reports that have been previously deleted.
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      If you cannot see previously submitted reports on the Statistics tab homepage, please make sure there is no text in any of the filter boxes.
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      For a detailed description of what to enter on each line of the report, see the [Statistics Categories Explained](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS26cxLLV2JtB5qJyDJvZXa32lZtx1yIX2witk_QcZYKUH1O0Algiy16AgxV7gHYQ/pubhtml#) document For templates to track data throughout the month before entering reports online, see the [Standard Stats Tracking Form](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yKp)