OSU Graduate School Slate Reader Guide: Reader Batch Management | Scribe

    OSU Graduate School Slate Reader Guide: Reader Batch Management

    • Trevor Johnson |
    • 24 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • OregonstateOregonstate
    • TechnolutionsTechnolutions
    • HumancapitalHumancapital

    Step 1: Access the Reader

    Navigate to Slate via <https://advanced.oregonstate.edu/manage/>
    Click the Reader icon to access the Slate Reader.
    Click "Browse" to access the Reader Bins, where applications are located.
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! When you log into the Slate Reader, it will be specific to your program / the applications that you have permission to see. The application bins, review/rubric forms, etc may look different than the screenshots below.

    Step 2: Build a Query to Complete Batch Actions

    Click the bin you would like to open. We'll choose "Awaiting Assignment" to move these applications in a batch (or several batches) into the Faculty Review bin, and assign faculty readers, if desired.
    While looking at the list of applications you would like to move, click "Build Query".
    Slate will automatically build the query, including the necessary exports and filters. Click "Run Query" to see the list of applications you will take batch action on.
    Select the "Output" drop-down, and choose the "Batch Management &gt;Bin" option.
    Click "Export" to open the Bin Management interface.

    Step 3: Bin Management via Query Output

    information ordinal icon
    Tip!\ \ Once on the Bin Management screen, you can move some or all applications into different bins, and assign to one or more (or no) readers. Depending on your preferred way of assigning applications for your departmental review, you may wish to: 1. Assign all applications in a batch, 2. Assign multiple groups sequentially via this Bin Management screen (e.g., to the same bin, but two or more Readers/Reviewers), or 3. Select "Build Query" multiple times from within the Reader, taking batch management actions when desired based on different bins or views there.
    To move applications into a new bin, select the "Set Bin" option.
    Select the desired bin from the dropdown list to move the applications to. We'll choose the "Model D.1 Review - Faculty Review" option. **Note**: You will only see available bins based on the permissions for your program.

    Step 4: Add Readers (Optional)

    **Optional**: Click the "Add Reader" field to search from the existing OSU Graduate Slate user list. If the user you would like to assign does not appear, check the spelling or try only their first or last name. If they are still not visible, it is likely that they do not yet have a Slate account. Contact Graduate Admissions ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ) to request access.
    Choose the desired user from the list:
    The selected user will be added as a row. An additional user can be searched for, if desired. \ \ **Note**: Adding two or more Readers this way will result in the application being assigned to *both readers.*
    Add the second user as desired: