OSU Graduate School Slate Reader Guide: Reader View Customization | Scribe

    OSU Graduate School Slate Reader Guide: Reader View Customization

    • Trevor Johnson |
    • 35 steps |
    • 6 minutes
    • OregonstateOregonstate
    • TechnolutionsTechnolutions
    • HumancapitalHumancapital

    Step 1: Access the Reader

    Navigate to Slate via <https://advanced.oregonstate.edu/manage/>
    Click the Reader icon to access the Slate Reader.
    Click "Browse"
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    Tip! When you log into the Slate Reader, it will be specific to your program / the applications that you have permission to see. The application bins, review/rubric forms, etc may look different than the screenshots below.
    Click the bin you would like to view.

    Step 2: Access Custom Views

    The view will initially be the "Default" option. This view is indicated on the right side of the screen:
    To see available views and customize them, click the slider icon:
    Available shared custom views (and any personal views you have created) will be visible.

    Step 3: Modify a View

    To modify the default view, or the view you are currently looking at, click "Customize View."
    The Customize View pop-up will appear. This includes the following: 1. **Exports** define each column that you can see in the Reader view. 2. **Filters** will narrow down the list of applications (show fewer rows) based on the criteria that you set here. 3. **Sorts** define which export value should be used to initially order the list (Note: clicking a column header in the Reader view will sort by that export).
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    **Exports**: click "Export" to add additional columns as desired. Exports/columns can also be removed. We'll inactivate the existing "College" export to give ourselves more space in the Reader, since this data point is the same for all application in my program.
    Double-click the export to modify.
    Select the "Inactive" option.
    Click "Save"
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    **Filters**: if added, filters will narrow down the list to show only those applications with the criteria I select. For example, let's add a filter so we are only looking at applications with a Campus = Corvallis.
    Click "Filter" to access the available filters in the system.
    Click the "Search" field. We recommend leaving "Extended Filters" unchecked.