Office 365 - Multi-Factor Authentication Setup | Scribe

    Office 365 - Multi-Factor Authentication Setup

    • Shauna McLaughlin |
    • 34 steps |
    • 4 minutes

      Setup Initial Multi-Factor Authentication

      information ordinal icon
      Tip! Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required for all NACCHO Staff, Temps, Interns, and Contractors. Please follow the below instructions to initially setup your MFA method. The next section will detail how to add additional methods or how to change your primary MFA method.
      Open your preferred browser
      Click on NACCHO Bookmarks, if you are trying to setup from a non-NACCHO PC, you can navigate to [](
      Click on "Office 365" in NACCHO Bookmarks, again if using a non-NACCHO PC, go to []( to sign in.
      Click Sign In to sign in to your NACCHO Office 365 account:
      Type your NACCHO email address, it should be your "username" + "" then press [[enter]] or click "Next"
      Enter your password for your NACCHO account, this will be included with your onboarding packet.
      After entering your password, click "Sign in":
      You will be notified that more information is required for your account. Press [[Next]] to continue:
      You will be redirected to the MFA setup portal. You will be initially prompted to setup MFA using the Microsoft Authenticator app. That method will be covered in the next section on adding an additional MFA method. For now, select [[I want to set up a different method]]:
      Click the drop down to select your preferred MFA method:
      The options are: [[Phone]]: Use your personal phone to receive codes via text or calls to authenticate when logging into your account [[Office Phone]]: Use your office phone to receive calls to authenticate when logging into your account [[Authenticator App]]: Use an authenticator app on your Phone to respond to notifications prompts to login, or enter a rotating six digit code to authenticate into your account. We are going to choose [[Phone]], as it is the easiest option to setup. You can follow the next section to add additional methods so you have multiple options to authenticate and prevent yourself from being locked out.
      Once you have selected your method, click [[Confirm]]:
      With the Phone option, you can choose whether you want to received a code via text by selecting [[Text me a code]], or if you want Microsoft to call you to authenticate by selecting [[Call me]]. We are going to be choosing [[Text me a code]] for this example:
      Enter your phone number in the phone number box, so you can have Microsoft text or call you for authentication:
      Click [[Next]] to have Microsoft send you a verification text or call to your phone:
      Microsoft will send you a text message to your phone number, enter the 6 digit code you receive into the code box:
      After entering the code, press [[Next]] to verify your authentication method:
      If you entered the code successfully, your SMS will be verified, and you can click [[Next]] to proceed with completing your MFA setup: