Operations manual Ship2Port | Scribe

    Operations manual Ship2Port

    • Royal Dirkzwager |
    • 88 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • Ship2PortShip2Port

    1. Start working

    To use this application, you need to login on the website or in the app. You have received this data from us. If you do not have login details, please contact our sales department at [email protected]. Navigate to <https://app.ship2port.com/port-calls/overview> Login using your username (email address) and password. If you forgot your password, you can click 'forgot password' on the login page.

    1.1 Icons & Abbreviations

    - ETA = expected time of arrival - ATA = actual time of arrival - PTA = Predicted time of arrival - ETD = expected time of departure - ATD = actual time of departure

    1.2 Create lists

    #### Port Arrivals and Departures combines information on vessel particulars, port data and a complete overview of shipping traffic, en-route and in port. Port Arrivals and Departures allows planners, logistical specialists and operational managers to get a grip on their port planning. You can create a vessel overview list of your preference. For example All vessels in Rotterdam or All vessels departing from Amsterdam. You can make multiple lists and the setted filters will remain in the list.
    Go to the Portcall list and select the drop down button and click on '+'Create a new list.
    Name the list and click on enter to create the list. For this example 'Arrival Rotterdam' list is made. If you want to rename click on the Edit button. You can also remove or pin the list;
    Click in the drop down menu on the list and start filtering. In this case all vessels arriving in Rotterdam;
    And status - Expected. Click on save;
    Now you created a list with all vessels ecpected in Rotterdam port. You can also change the information that is shown in your list to your preference;
    Click in the main menu on the right side to configurator;
    Choose the settings of your preference. This will be shown in port call list;
    information ordinal icon
    Be aware that if filters are applied they are visible by the orange dot.
    #### Port Arrivals and Departures combines information on vessel particulars, port data and a complete overview of shipping traffic, en-route and in port. Port Arrivals and Departures allows planners, logistical specialists and operational managers to get a grip on their port planning. You can create a vessel overview list of your preference. For example All vessels in Rotterdam or All vessels departing from Amsterdam. You can make multiple lists and the setted filters will remain in the list.
    Go to the Portcall list and select the drop down button and click on '+'Create a new list.
    Name the list and click on enter to create the list. For this example 'Arrival Rotterdam' list is made. If you want to rename click on the Edit button. You can also remove or pin the list;
    Click in the drop down menu on the list and start filtering. In this case all vessels arriving in Rotterdam;