Oregon State University - Graduate School Slate Reader Guide | Scribe

    Oregon State University - Graduate School Slate Reader Guide

    • Trevor Johnson |
    • 36 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • OregonstateOregonstate
    • TechnolutionsTechnolutions
    • HumancapitalHumancapital
    • Microsoft LoginMicrosoft Login
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    Step 1: Log In to Slate

    Navigate to Slate via <https://advanced.oregonstate.edu/manage/>
    Login with your OSU credentials.
    Slate's home screen looks like this.

    Step 2: Access the Slate Reader

    Click the Reader icon to access the Slate Reader.
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    Tip! When you log into the Slate Reader, it will be specific to your program / the applications that you have permission to see. The application bins, review/rubric forms, etc may look different than the screenshots below.
    Click "Browse" to access the Reader Bins, where applications are located.

    Step 3: View Applications and Add to Queue

    Click the bin you would like to open. We'll choose "Faculty Review" to complete our review form.
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    Tip! Different programs have different workflows bins in the Slate Reader, that have been created to match the review process steps that have been shared with use. These bin flows are labeled Model A, Model B.1, Model B.2, etc. Many programs may use the same Bin flow model, but you will only see the applications for the programs that are relevant to you. See the Appendix at the end of this documentation for screenshots of all example bin model workflows.
    Applications will be displayed in a list. Click one or more applications to highlight them, if you would like to add them to your Queue.
    The row will turn blue when selected.
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    **Important!** Click "Add to Queue" to add the selected applications to your Queue. In order to complete and submit a rubric/review form, the application must be added to your Queue.
    After adding applications to your Queue, Slate will navigate you to your Queue. (Note the Queue tab on the left). Once in the Queue view, click any application to read/review it.

    Step 4: Review the Application

    The application will be displayed. Navigate the different tabs on the left to review application materials. For example, "Recs" will show letters of recommendation submitted on behalf of the applicant.
    Pages can be navigated with keyboard arrows; tabs can be navigated with the "tab" key.
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    **Important!** To access the rubric/review form, click the "Review Form / Send to Bin" button in the bottom right of your screen: