Overnight Trains | Scribe

Overnight Trains

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Getting Started

To add a Train Accommodation to your itinerary, you will need to be in the 'Accommodation Step' of your itinerary builder.

Adding Train Accommodation

In the Accommodation Step, select the blue 'Accommodation' button. This will open a new input box for you to add your Train Accommodation.
In the 'Select a Hotel' textbox, type the name of the train you want to add to your itinerary. In our example, we will be using Rovos Rail. When it appears in the dropdown menu, click on it to add it to your itinerary.
Once you add the train, a 'Mobile Component Browser' will appear. If the train provider has pre-loaded their routes, you will be able to select the route from the browser. Select the route that you need and it will be added into your itinerary.
**Note:** The number of nights and the stops will automatically update based on the route you have selected.
**Note:** When working with routes that require overnight stops at hotels, lodges etc. during your Train journey, it is important to build the train portion by breaking it up for the duration (nights) needed before and after the land overnight. \ \ The [Adding Fixed Accommodation](https://scribehow.com/shared/Adding_Fixed_Accommodations__4uDBxyuHTY-LWZ-4nUJTAA?referrer=documents) user guide can assist you in adding them to your journey.

Adding Stops

When selecting a train provider that does not have any preloaded routes, you can update all the stops the train will have along the way. This can be done by searching for each stop in the 'select a stop' input field and selecting them from the list provided.
Once you have added the stops, you can set up the additional details for each of the stops: **Destination**\ Selecting a destination from the provided list will ensure that destinations images and description will appear on your Itineraries. **Arrive ( Day )**\ This will be the day the train will arrive at that particular stop ( Day 1, Day 2 etc ) **Depart ( Day )**\ This will be the day the train will depart from that particular stop.
**Note:** The Arrive Day and Depart Day cannot exceed the overall number of nights you have set for the train trip. Add the stops along the way in this section, and the departure and arrival points can be added in the route builder.

Adding Train Routes

Train Routing, for both Train Travel and Train Accommodation, is set up in the Route Builder Step of the Itinerary Builder. Where a route has not been pre-loaded, you can create a custom route based on the train's itinerary. In some cases, Google Train Routing can be used. Refer to the article [Route Builder: Train Routes](https://scribehow.com/shared/Train_Routes__tK9osd8ORn-5jp3myrXjmA) for information on setting up train routing.

Wetu Outputs

Once you have setup your Train Accommodation, the details will be generated to the Classic, Discovery and Virtual Itinerary.
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