**This site uses pop-up windows. Make sure your browser allows pop-up windows.**
**LOGIN: [https://govcs.net/YourVCSAccount](https://govcs.net/YourVCSAccount)**
This login is separate from all other parent logins. Click "Set Your Password" for directions on how to get the username and password for this site.
**Click on "Parent/Student Directory" and enter a name to search on**
Click "Contact Info" to view details.
- **Student Name** - always viewable
- **Student Contact Info** - never viewable
- **Parent Contact Info** - only viewable if parent selected to "Include in Directory"
Here is an example of contact information of a family who set preferences to include all contact information.
**Other Features:**
- **Your Directory List -** create your own friends list
- **Change Participation** - submit a request to change your preferences