PC.3.I.2 - Creating an Estimate and Invoicing the Customer | Scribe

    PC.3.I.2 - Creating an Estimate and Invoicing the Customer

    • 14 steps
    • Fast & Easy QBOFast & Easy QBO
    • QuickBooksQuickBooks

    The Sample Company

    To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. To get into it, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
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    Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.

    Hands On Practice

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    Now let's get started with the exercise. Here again are the details: - The customer is Geeta Kalapatapu - The products needed for the job are 2 x fountain pumps ($15 each)
    Click the "+New" button, then select "Estimate".
    In the Customer field, select "Geeta Kalapatapu".
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    The Estimate date will default to today and can be left as is.
    In the Expiration date field, choose any "future date".
    On the first line, in the Product/Service field, select "Fountain Pump".
    In the QTY field, change this to "2".
    Click "Save and send".
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    A pop-up, preview of the estimate will appear. The Sample company cannot actually send estimates, but this is the process for sending to clients in a real life scenario.
    Click "Send and close".
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    Geeta has agreed to the estimate, so it needs to be converted to an invoice.
    From the left navigation bar, hover over Sales, then select "Estimates".
    Find Geeta's estimate, then on her line, click "Mark accepted".
    A pop-up will appear. In the By field, type "Geeta". In the Date field, add today's date. Once complete, click "Ok".
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    Notice the status for Geeta's estimate has changed to Accepted, so it can now be converted.
    Click "Convert to invoice".