PC.9.A.1 - Using the Custom report builder | Scribe

    PC.9.A.1 - Using the Custom report builder

    • 0 step
    • Fast & Easy QBOFast & Easy QBO
    • QuickBooksQuickBooks

    The Advanced Sample Company

    For this exercise, you will need to be in the Advanced Sample company. You must be completely logged out of your QBOA account before clicking on the Advanced Sample company link:<https://qbo.intuit.com/redir/testdrive_us_advanced> Note: you will need to click the "checkbox" next to I'm not a robot, then click "Continue" before the Advanced Sample company opens.

    Hands On Practice

    Now let's get started with the exercise. As a reminder, here is the scenario: Craig wants to see his bills for a particular month grouped according to status and vendors. Here’s what you need to do: - Use the report creation wizard option in the Custom report builder to customize the **Bills by paid status report** - Set the date range for the **current quarter** - Add a **vendor name subgroup** - **Create a pivot table** with the rows showing vendors, the columns showing paid status, and the values showing the amount - Name the report **Vendor bills by paid status** - **Save** the report
    From the left navigation bar, hover over Reports, then select "Reports".
    Click "+ Create new report".
    Click "Blank".
    Click "Create".
    Click the "X" to exit out of the pop-up.
    Click "Start by report creation wizard".
    In the search bar, type "Bills by paid status".
    Click "Bills by paid status".
    Now we can begin to customize the report based on the information found in the scenario.
    Note that the Intuit exercise uses specific dates from 2023. Because the dates are always changing in the Sample Company, that will not pull up any data however. We'll use the current quarter instead.
    Click the Report period "down arrow".
    Click "This quarter".
    The report will automatically update based on the timeframe. (Note that your list and totals may be different due to the date range.) It is now sorted by status, but Craig also wants to see it by vendor. Let's customize it.
    Click "Group by".
    Click "+ Add subgroup".
    In the Subgroup field, select "Vendor".
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