Part 1: Understanding The Database | Scribe

    Part 1: Understanding The Database

    • Stephen Maddison |
    • 8 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • AirtableAirtable
    Go to your Airtable account and open the "Waitlist Filtering Automation (Zapier)" Base you copied earlier.
    Under "Views", this first view is your "Sign up" form. Through it, you can add new entries to your database easily.
    Click "Open form" to open up the full form.
    This is how the form would look to anyone signing up to your waitlist. You can share it via the url at the top or with the "Share form" button in Airtable.
    Go back to Airtable and click "Grid view". This is where all the data collected through your form is stored.
    You have the data grouped by the "Priority List" as this will allow you to easily see which applications are flagged as "High Priority" and "Low Priority".
    Your database is set up to apply "Low Priority" by default to all new entries. What you will build today is an automation that applies the "High Priority" tag to entries that meet a certain criteria.
    The criteria you will be using is the "Experience Level" question. When an applicant chooses the "New To This" or "Some Experience" options, you want your automation to apply the "High Priority" tag.
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    The database is set up for you, so you do not need to change anything. The key points here is to know which fields will be involved in the automation. You'll learn more about this in the next sections.