Part 2: Adding Test Data To Airtable | Scribe

    Part 2: Adding Test Data To Airtable

    • Stephen Maddison |
    • 9 steps |
    • 49 seconds
    • ZapierZapier
    • AirtableAirtable
    Click on your "No-Code Learning Community" form in Airtable.
    Press "Open form" to open up the live form.
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    You need to fill out the form with some test data. This becomes important for later so that you can follow how the automation works.
    Add anything you want in the "Email address" field.
    Add anything you want in the "Full Name:" field.
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    This next field is important. Your automation will use the "Experience Level" data as a filter.
    Select "New To This" from the drop down field.
    For all the remaining options, you can add anything you want as you are not using the data specifically in the automation.
    When you are done, "Submit" the form and go back to your Airtable database.
    Click on the Grid view.
    You will see your latest entry is automatically assigned the "Low Priority" tag and appears in that group. Open a new tab with Zapier.
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    Now you will build out the automation in Zapier. Open a new tab and login to your Zapier account. Keep Airtable open in another tab.