Part 4: Setting Up The Actions | Scribe

    Part 4: Setting Up The Actions

    • Stephen Maddison |
    • 36 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • ZapierZapier
    • AirtableAirtable
    For the first Action, you will use the "Filter" app. This is an app that is provided by Zapier directly. Select it from the side bar or search for it like before.
    As "Filter" is provided by Zapier, no authorisation is needed.
    information ordinal icon
    "Filter" allows you to set criteria that data must meet in order to pass. In this step, you are adding a filter to only continue if form applications selected the Experience Level option "New To This" or "Some Experience".
    Select "Only continue if".
    information ordinal icon
    Zapier allows you to 'map' data from previous steps. This means that every time the zap runs, it will use the same type of field but with the new data that it received.
    Map "Experience Level" to the "Only continue if" field.
    Click "Choose condition…"
    The condition allows you to choose criteria that the data must meet. In this zap, you want to choose "(Text) Exactly matches". The reason for this is you want to make sure that only the exact matching text will allow the zap to continue.
    Switch back to your Airtable tab.
    Since you are telling the filter that only exact matches will be allowed to continue, the safest option is to copy and past the option text from Airtable. This ensures there are no spelling mistakes. Capital letters also need to match.
    Click on the "Experience Level" header and select the "Edit field" option.
    For the first criteria, you will use the "New To This" option. Copy the option and go back to Zapier.
    Click on the "Enter text or insert data" field.
    Paste in the "New To This" option and click the screen again to close the pop up box.
    For this zap, you want to add an "or" variable. This means that the zap will continue if it meets any of the stated criteria.
    Again, select "Experience Level" for the "Continue if" field.
    Also, select the "(Text) Exactly matches" again for the "Condition".
    Go back to your Airtable tab and this time copy the "Some Experience" option.
    Paste the "Some Experience" option into the "Enter text or insert data" field.
    Click "Continue"