Path 1: "Research Guides by Subject" | Scribe

    Path 1: "Research Guides by Subject"

    • Ezzie |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
    Start from the Library homepage<;;&utta_det=x;;;;c;&gclid=CjwKCAjwzuqgBhAcEiwAdj5dRrEiH4jUD8bAHI1ucjbDN-gMvkWzVaaLCtYWN0N2e12fhFAasViWshoCv1cQAvD_BwE>
    Click "Research Guides by Subject"
    Select "ALL GUIDES" to see a list of every UT Tyler research guide,
    Select "BY SUBJECT" to see a list organized by academic subject.
    Scroll down and select "Nursing & Health Sciences"
    Click "BY TYPE"
    Here are the Types. \ **Topic guides** include categories like Sciwheel, Systematic Reviews, Dissertations and Theses, Connecting from Off Campus, and so much more!\ Specific **Course Guides** are also accessed from this list.
    Click "BY OWNER" for guides created by health science librarians!
    Select "Ezzie Rodgers" (the current Health Science, Nursing & Pharmacy Librarian)
    "Michael Skinner" (the Wise Medical Librarian) also has guides relevant to Nursing, Pharmacy, & Health Sciences.

    Want to make guides like this in seconds? Yes, it's really that fast.

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