Patron Portal: Renewing a Checkout (Mobile View) | Scribe

    Patron Portal: Renewing a Checkout (Mobile View)

    • Consultants |
    • 0 step |
    • 4 seconds
      Click on the **Allocation (CK#)** you would like to renew under the Current Checkouts heading
      Click on the **Menu (3 Dots)** in the top left corner
      Select **Renew CK#** from the drop down menu
      Click on the **End Time** field and set the new day and time you would like return *(maximum of 7 days if available)*
      All errors must be addressed before submitting changes. If an error notice occurs a renewal will not be confirmed.
      Once the new date and time is set and the **Looks Good!** notification is present, click on the **Submit Changes** button.
      Confirmation banners will pop up verifying that the Checkout has been renewed and an email notice has been sent to your []( address with the updated information.
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