PayPath: Additional Pay Change | New Additional Pay (STAFF)
Avry Schellenbach |
21 steps |
2 minutes
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Navigate to **UCPath**: <>
On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
Click the **HR Tasks** tile.
Click the **PayPath/Additional Pay** folder.
Click the **PayPath Actions** page.
You can **collapse** the left side Navigation Panel for more visual room by clicking the black icon.
You are able to search by a variety of search criteria.
If you have a unique identifier, this will pull up the most precise search results. **Employee ID** and **Position Number** are both values that will return the most precise results.
Once you have entered in your search criteria, click **Search** and select the appropriate employee record.
**Tip!** If your search only returns 1 result, the record will open automatically for you.
**Alert!** PayPath only allows updates to **filled positions**.
If you search for a position that is vacant, the system displays a message: *“No matching values. You have entered a position number that is vacant.”*
Position Data Tab
When the record opens, you will land on the **Position Data** tab. If you do not have a Position Data change, click to the appropriate tab as there are no updates needed on this page.
Additional Pay Tab
Click on the **Additional Pay Data** tab to add new additional pay.
**Tip!** If the employee is already receiving Additional Pay, you will see the record on the right side of the screen.
Add the appropriate Earnings Code for the new additional pay.
In our example, the employee is receiving a Staff Admin Stipend, so we will enter in **SAS**.
**Tip!** Explore the [Earn Codes]( shared by the UCPath Center.
Now let's adjust our **Effective Date**, this is when the new Additional Pay will begin.
In our example, starting **04/01/2024,** the employee is receiving a $100 stipend per pay period until they have received $800. So we will enter **04/01/2024.**