PayPath: Approving a Transaction | Scribe

    PayPath: Approving a Transaction

    • Avry Schellenbach |
    • 21 steps |
    • 58 minutes
    • ScribeScribe
    • UniversityofcaliforniaUniversityofcalifornia
    information ordinal icon
    Want to see the instructions while you walk through a transaction? Add the [**Scribe Chrome extension**]( (for Chrome browsers only), then click the **Guide Me** button as you hover over Step 1.


    Navigate to **UCPath**: <>
    On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
    Screenshot of the UCPath Online landing page with the "PeopleSoft Homepage" button highlighted.
    Click the **HR Tasks** tile.
    Screenshot of the Workforce Administration Homepage with the "HR Tasks" tile highlighted.
    Click the **PayPath/Additional Pay** folder.
    Screenshot of the HR Tasks landing page (Search / Person) with the PayPath Actions / Additional Pay folder highlighted.
    Click either the **PayPath Actions ACAD** or **PayPath Actions STAFF** page, depending on what type of transaction you are approving. - **PayPath Actions ACAD - Academic transaction** - **PayPath Actions STAFF - Staff transaction** In our example, we are reviewing a Staff PayPath Transaction, so we will click the **PayPath Actions STAFF** page.
    Screenshot of the PayPath Actions ACAD and STAFF pages highlighted.
    Click this text field.
    PayPath Actions STAFF / ACAD page will open. Click the **Show more options** hyperlink to search by Employee ID and Empl Record.
    PayPath Actions STAFF / ACAD page will open. Click the **Show more options** hyperlink to search by Employee ID and Empl Record.
    Enter your search criteria and click **Search** and select the transaction you would like to review. *Note, if your search returns only one transaction, that record will open automatically.* In our example, we have the Transaction ID (the most precise value to search for).
    Enter your search criteria and click **Search** and select the transaction you would like to review. 

*Note, if your search returns only one transaction, that record will open automatically.*

In our example, we have the Transaction ID (the most precise value to search for).


    The transaction will open on the Position Data tab. Note, that most **changed data will be highlighted in blue** to indicate a value has been added or changed. In our example, effective 04/01/2024, the employee is being reclassified from a Blank Assistant 3 position to a HR Generalist 2 position. The job Code, Union Code, Sal Admin Plan, and Salary Grade fields have new data.
    Screenshot of the Position Data tab in a PayPath Actions STAFF record with all the changes that are highlighted in blue outlined.
    Once you have reviewed the changes, click **Job Data** to move to the next tab.
    Screenshot of the Job Data tab in a PayPath record with the Job Data tab button highlighted.
    Notice how many **rows of Job Data (effective sequence)** the transaction has and scroll to the first change to start reviewing.
    Notice how many **rows of Job Data (effective sequence)** the transaction has and scroll to the first change to start reviewing.
    information ordinal icon
    **Tip!** It's best practice to **start from the first row** when reviewing a Job Data tab that has multiple rows.
    **Review the Job Data changes - Effective Sequence 0.** In our example, the first row entered in Job Data was a carryover from the Position Data change (POS - Position Change, JRU - Job Reclassification - Upward). We see all of the same Position-level fields added into the incumbent's Job Data record.
    Screenshot of the Job Data tab in a PayPath record on Effective Sequence 0 with all the blue text highlighted, indicating what has changed.
    Once you're done reviewing the first row, **click through to the next row in the Job Data stack - Effective Sequence 1.** In our example, we see that another row was added on top of the POS/JRU row. This second row is added to account for a corresponding Pay Rate Change, related to the Job Reclassification. In this case, we see that in the compensation section, the **compensation** for this new position is **$35.00** with a **rate code of UCHRLY**. The Comp Rate field automatically updates with the new rate.
    Screenshot of the Job Data tab in a PayPath record on Effective Sequence 1 with all the blue text highlighted, indicating what has changed.
    Continue reviewing all Job Data rows, the entire effective sequence, and click the **Additional Pay Data** tab to (1) review any Additional Pay related to the transaction and (2) approve the transaction.
    Screenshot of the Job Data tab in a PayPath record with Additional Pay Data tab highlighted.
    Double-click here.