PayPath: Job Data Change | Data Change - Job Extension (STAFF) | Scribe

    PayPath: Job Data Change | Data Change - Job Extension (STAFF)

    • Avry Schellenbach |
    • 21 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • UniversityofcaliforniaUniversityofcalifornia
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    Want to see the instructions while you walk through a transaction? Add the [**Scribe Chrome extension**]( (for Chrome browsers only), then click the **Guide Me** button as you hover over Step 1.


    Navigate to **UCPath**: <>
    On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
    Click the **HR Tasks** tile.
    Click the **PayPath/Additional Pay** folder.
    Click the **PayPath Actions** page.
    You can **collapse** the left side Navigation Panel for more visual room by clicking the black icon.
    You are able to search by a variety of search criteria. If you have a unique identifier, this will pull up the most precise search results. **Employee ID** and **Position Number** are both values that will return the most precise results.
    Once you have entered in your search criteria, click **Search** and select the appropriate employee record.
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    **Tip!** If your search only returns 1 result, the record will open automatically for you.
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    **Alert!** PayPath only allows updates to **filled positions**. If you search for a position that is vacant, the system displays a message: *“No matching values. You have entered a position number that is vacant.”*

    Position Data Tab

    When the record opens, you will land on the **Position Data** tab. If you do not have a Position Data change, click to the appropriate tab as there are no updates needed on this page.
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    **Alert! Do NOT change the defaulted Effective Date** if you are skipping the Position Data tab; leave this as-is and move to the Job Data tab.

    Job Data Tab

    Click on the **Job Data** tab to make Job Data changes.
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    **Tip!** Start with the **WHEN** (Effective Date), **WHAT** (Action), and **WHY** (Reason). Think about what change you’ve been asked to process and that will help you understand which Action / Reason combination ([staff ]( [academic]( to select and which field/s to adjust.
    Let's start with the **WHEN - Effective Date.** Enter in the date in which this change should go into effect. In this example, the Effective Date refers to when the job extension will be processed.
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    **Tip!** For Appointment / Job Extensions, make sure the Effective Date is **no more than 1 day after** the current Appointment End Date. Some departments have a specific business practice regarding their Effective Date preference for extending appointments.