Payroll: Additional Pay | New Recurring | Scribe

    Payroll: Additional Pay | New Recurring

    • Avry Schellenbach |
    • 20 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • UniversityofcaliforniaUniversityofcalifornia
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    Want to see the instructions while you walk through a transaction? Add the [**Scribe Chrome extension**]( (for Chrome browsers only), then click the **Guide Me** button as you hover over Step 1.


    Navigate to **UCPath**: <>
    On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
    Screenshot of the UCPath Online landing page with the "PeopleSoft Homepage" button highlighted.
    Click on the **Payroll Tasks** tile.
    Screenshot of the Workforce Administration Homepage with the "Payroll Tasks" tile highlighted.
    Click the **Payroll Transactions** folder.
    Payroll Transactions folder highlighted.
    Click the **Self Service Transaction Links** page.
    Self Service Transactions Link page highlighted.
    You can **collapse** the left side Navigation Panel for more visual room by clicking the black icon.
    The black icon on the left side navigation panel highlighted.
    On the Self Service Transaction Links page, click the **Create** button for **Additional Pay.**
    Self Service Transactions Link page with the Create button highlighted next to the Additional Pay (recurring) description.
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    **Tip!** Read through the descriptions on the Self Service Transactions Link page to choose the appropriate Payroll function.

    Search & Select

    Use the search fields to pull up the employee's empl record for the new recurring Additional Pay. Then click **Get Employees.**
    Additional Pay search page with the Get Employees button highlighted.
    If the employee has multiple active empl records, ensure you select the correct empl record (or **Job** on this page) they are receiving new recurring Additional Pay for. In our example, Sara Kliger is receiving additional pay for **Job 1** (empl record 1).
    Additional Pay search page with two search results for the same Empl ID. It is important to make sure the correct Job (or empl record) is selected.

    Adding New Recurring Additional Pay

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    **Tip!** If the employee is already receiving Additional Pay, you will see the record on the right side of the screen.
    "No Current Additional Pay" title on the right side of the page highlighted.
    Add the appropriate Earnings Code for the new additional pay. In our example, the employee is receiving an Academic Admin Stipend, so we will enter in **STP**.
    Earnings Code field highlighted with STP written in.
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    **Tip!** Explore the [Earn Codes]( shared by the UCPath Center.
    Now let's adjust our **Effective Date**, this is when the new Additional Pay will begin. In our example, starting **04/01/2024,** the employee is receiving a $150 stipend per pay period until the End Date of 6/30/2024. So we will enter **04/01/2024.**
    Effective Date field highlighted with 4/1/24 written inside.
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    **Tip!** Best practice, **Effective Date** should reflect the **first day of the pay period** that additional pay should begin or the **employee's start date** if they begin work mid-pay period.
    Now we need to tell the system when to **stop** paying the employee. We can do this either by entering an **End Date** or a **Goal Amount.** **End Date -** additional pay will shut off once this date is reached. **Goal Amount -** additional pay will shut off once the employee has reached the goal amount. In our example, starting 04/01/2024, the employee is receiving a $150 stipend per pay period until the End Date of **6/30/2024**. So we will enter an **End Date of 6/30/2024.**
    Now we need to tell the system when to **stop** paying the employee. We can do this either by entering an **End Date** or a **Goal Amount.**

**End Date -** additional pay will shut off once this date is reached.

**Goal Amount -** additional pay will shut off once the employee has reached the goal amount.

In our example, starting 04/01/2024, the employee is receiving a $150 stipend per pay period until the End Date of **6/30/2024**. So we will enter an **End Date of 6/30/2024.**