Performing an xClean Audit (Android) | Scribe

    Performing an xClean Audit (Android)

    • Lucy Sonner |
    • 36 steps |
    • 10 minutes
      Open the Cleaning Standards app
      Enter your username and password and tap "LOGIN"
      information ordinal icon
      You will need to be connected to WiFi or a mobile network to log in
      Tap on the green arrow to select a location
      You will see a list of wards available for audit and the audit due date\ \ Tap on a ward to select it
      You will see a list of rooms within the selected ward, the functional risk and how many rooms need to be audited. This ward is a FR1 ward, with 6 rooms, and all the rooms need to be audited.\ \ If you are auditing a blended area, the rooms will be grouped by functional risk. You will need to audit the minimum number of areas per functional risk.\ \ Tap on a room to audit it
      You will see a list of elements present in the room
      information ordinal icon
      'Active' elements are displayed at the top of the screen, and 'inactive' elements at the bottom. Inactive elements do not contribute to the score
      Tap the toggle button to make an element inactive. Inactive elements will appear in grey
      information ordinal icon
      The system will remember your choice for next time the room is audited
      Each element has at least one responsibility. In this example, 'Baths and taps' are both a Facilities and Nursing responsibility.\ \ Tap the green "PASS" button to fail an element
      information ordinal icon
      If the element has a description (this will usually be the performance parameter), you will see this after failing the element
      The green "PASS" button will change to a red "FAIL" button.\ \ Use the toggle to select a rectification
      alert ordinal icon
      Selecting a rectification is mandatory for all failures. You won't be able to save without selecting a rectification
      Use the free text box to add more information to the rectification, if required. This step is optional
      Tap the camera icon to take a photo of the failure. This will be saved alongside the rectification
      Once you have reported all failures, tap "SAVE"
      alert ordinal icon
      You can't make any changes to a room after you've saved it
      Tap "YES"
      The room now has a green tick next to it, as well as today's date. This date shows the last time the room was audited.\ \ If the room hasn't been audited before, it will say "N/A" next to it