Photopea: Selections to Layers to Exported Files | Scribe

    Photopea: Selections to Layers to Exported Files

    • Joseph Von Stengel |
    • 40 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • PhotopeaPhotopea
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    Opening an Image File

    Click "Open From Computer" and navigate to the image file you want to manipulate.
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    Photopea can open most image file types including Photoshop .PSDs. JPGs work great.

    Zoom Tool

    Click the 'Zoom Tool'.
    Cliick on the image using the Zoom Tool to make the image bigger.

    Making a Selection

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    Tool tip! The Magic Wand tool will allow you to select large areas of color. The amount of a color selected is determined by the 'Tolerance' setting. The higher the number the more the range of a color will be selected. ie darkest reds to brightest reds. The smaller the number the more specific a color will be selected. Uncheck the 'Contiguous' to capture a color throughout the entire image.
    Click on the 'Magic Wand'
    Click on 'Tolerance' and enter a number.
    Click on a color, in this case I clicked on dark orange.
    This only selected a small area of the dark orange. To select more choose the 'Add to Selection' option and then click on other areas of dark orange around the canvas.
    All the red orange colors has been selected.
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    Tip! If your goal is to select all of one color across the entire canvas, uncheck the 'Contiguous' check box before clicking on a color.
    Click the "Contiguous" field to uncheck it.
    Now clicking on a color will select all of that color across the canvas.

    Making a layer from a Selection

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    Now that the color is selected, use 'Copy' and 'Paste' to move the color to a new layer.
    Click Copy. Notice the hot keys on the right hand side.