Place an Order: iPad App | Scribe

    Place an Order: iPad App

    • Customer Service |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
      Select the products the customer would like to purchase.
      To adjust the quantity or price, tap the product in the cart on the right.
      Update the quantity.
      Tap "Update Cart"

      Pick Up Orders

      Make sure you check the buyer's ID to ensure they are over 21 years old.
      Check the "Pick Up" option is blue and tap "Place Order".
      Select the payment type
      Fill in information as needed
      If tips are enabled, they will appear after the payment is processed

      Shipping Order

      Make sure you check the buyer's ID to ensure they are over 21 years old.
      Click "Ship" at the top of the cart
      Click "A Customer is Required" to add a customer
      Search for a customer or add a new one.
      Tap the customer to select them.
      At the bottom, tap "Add to cart"
      Tap "Proceed to Checkout"
      Choose/enter the shipping address by tapping on "Not Set"
      Choose a current address or add a new one.
      This Scribe is in tip-top shape!Leave feedback if there are any issues with this Scribe